Of life, love, cats, dogs (and everything else in between).

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Back Home!

So it's back to the humid weather and terrible morning traffic again, after 10 days of cool, crisp air and civilised drivers in Perth!

It was a great trip all in all and we came back with 34kgs worth of luggage (we started off with less than 20 kgs). It was mainly my doing because i got so much stuff for everyone - yummy chocolate from Margaret River Chocolate Factory, heaps of jam for the mother and the mother-in-law, cookies, nuts, nougats, muesli, toys (for the nieces) and a whole lot of other junk to play Santa with. Even Chester had at least 5 kgs worth of pressies which were mainly smoked bones which are so dear in Singapore!!!

Albeit the trip being slow at times (compared to a jam-packed-agency-scheduled-tour), we managed to get quite a few things done. Dan checked out one of the local garage which carried stuff that would make any zhngster's eyes light up, and was pleasantly surprised to find out that the boss was a Singaporean. Judging from the many loud, roaring exhausts we see and hear on the streets, it's not hard to tell that the regulations are definitely more lax over there and it is certainly much easier to zhng your car there than here - something Dan definitely appreciates having! Heh!

We got to eat everything we've been dying to eat too and we had to make 2 trips to the dimsum restaurant (on 2 separate days of course!), just to cover all bases and not leave out any dish. We also got to check out one of the Border Collie breeders in Perth and we've decided that we'll probably be ready for a 2nd dog in 2 years' time or so. Even though i didn't come back with a BC pup for us and her, Dan got me a reaaaallly soft and cute stuffed Border Collie when we visited the shearing shed! Oh, but i've photos of a GIRL BC that looks like Kingsley for her though...tee hee hee!! And the pirate show bag to dress the poor dog up too.....muahahaha!

The Perth Royal Show was a blast literally, because of the spectacular fireworks to end the day! The dog trials were particularly inspiring because there were 60-year-old fat ladies (no offence!) trialling with their dogs and man, they really put us all to shame. The trial standard is really high i must say. I'm really impressed as well as motivated and i can't can't can't wait to get back to training Chester this weekend! The sideshows were crazy as usual and like the previous time, we blew a BIG hole in our pockets playing the games. Only thing was, we didn't win as much toys as we did and it was only till my last couple of dollars that i finally managed to win an enormous husky!!! Dan later told me it was bloody nerve wrecking watching me play because it was a close fight between me and another player and when i finally won, i heard him let out a huge "YEAHHHHHHHH" as though i had won an Olympic medal or something....haha!

Oh, and under the husband's strict orders, i didn't get to go on any of the rides though....not even the chairlift!!! But i understand why and i love feeling protected by him so no complaints at all.

Just this morning, the Flying Dutchman (on Class 95) was talking about how it is for him, as the man in the house, he always makes sure his wife and kids don't walk on the side of traffic just to play safe. He himself will be in between them and the road to make sure that he is the one that walks closest to traffic. Upon hearing that, Dan immediately turned to look at me and gave me the "see, see, i also protect you" look because that is exactly how it is for us too. I returned him the "yah yah i know" look and assured him i know he does his best to take care of me.

Ok i digressed but what the heck! I've still got loads to say about the trip and i've got 2gb (more i think) of photos and a special collection aptly named "The husband loves his food" to share! Got lotsa shots of snakes, frogs, kangaroos, farm animals and even humpback whales too but that'll have to wait till i get my ass down to downloading the photos!

For now, i'm off to Dover for my dose of chicken rice! Laters!


Blogger olkgal said...

glad that you had a great time!

can't wait to see your pictures.. and i want another bc too!!!

2:17 PM


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